Archive for the ‘Hope’ Category

Well – we did it! Enough of the country said “When” on November 4th that we are embarking on a new administration – one that, even at this early date, is proving to be at least more aware of itself and its impact on the world than the one we endured for 8 years.

We want to thank the thousands of you who participated in the Say “When” movement – please take credit (and our thanks) for your part in this miracle!

Our point in starting Say “When” was to point out the rampant corruption at the very core of our government. Just in the past year, it has become more and more apparent that the people we elected to represent us are, in many cases, less than honest in their positions of power. It is with your help that millions have become aware – and are holding their representatives responsible.

Because of your awareness and your insistence that others become aware as well, the actions of people in positions of power – not just in government but in business as well – are being brought to light and they are being put on notice that their greed and corrupt values will not be tolerated any longer.

Americans have always embraced the spirit of the entrepreneur – but we will not tolerate a greed that is so pervasive that it smacks of entitlement and illegality. We will continue to support and strive for “the American Dream” – but we will no longer allow it at the expense of others.

It’s been a long and tiring journey to this point – and we thank you for your incredible support! It is truly because of you that we find ourselves here. Thank you again!

We at Say “When” are feeling the desire to change our focus. We feel that the American people have moved into a position of power and will not let the things that plagued us for 8 years develop again. We are giving President Obama and his Administration our support – and a bit of leeway. The hole we found ourselves in just a few short months ago was huge – and will take a while to get out of.

In the spirit of Hope and service and moving forward, we will be suspending our website – Our domain name expires on March 6, 2009 – and we will not be renewing it. The site will cease to exist – except in our hearts and memories. This blog will still be up, but we will not be updating it regularly. We will let it rest as well. Your wristbands will be collector’s items one day – and something you can show your kids or grandkids as a symbol of your stand for what’s right in America.

We suggest that you maintain your vigilance – but allow it to be tempered with optimism and faith. Mainstream media still has its challenges for us, but we’re encouraged by two newscasters in particular – Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC. We feel they have their integrity in place and it is with these true journalists we will continue to “keep an eye on things.”

We especially want to thank Rosie O’Donnell. You may or may not “enjoy” her style, but there are very few people who would be willing to put their careers, their reputations, or their butts on the line for their country like Rosie did (and will continue to do, if we know her). It is because of her that millions of people became aware of the disaster that was the Bush Administration. She was a supporter of Say “When” from the beginning – and we will always have a special place in our hearts reserved just for her and her viewers!

If you feel it necessary to contact us, our e-mail at will be functioning until March 6. After that, please feel free to leave a comment here.

Thank you again from the bottoms of our hearts – we wish you every good thing you desire and deserve.

The Say “When” team

“Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today.”

President-elect Barack Obama

Tell the new President and his team what YOU want for your country.

From the Columbus Dispatch

Let’s hope that, at 19, he has not been subjected to the political machine that has taken good people and turned them into what we see currently in Congress.

19-year-old Wins Seat in 6-way Delaware Race 

DELAWARE, Ohio — Voters yesterday chose Andrew Brush to serve as the City Council’s 4th Ward representative.

Brush, 19, captured the nonpartisan seat with 335 votes, or 29 percent of votes cast, according to final, unofficial results from the Delaware County Board of Elections. He will take office Nov. 19 and serve a four-year term.

Brush, a 2006 graduate of Columbus Academy and owner of a video-production company, said he worked hard for last night’s win. “I basically campaigned door-to-door every night for the last 2 1/2 months,” he said.

He said he’s eager to begin chipping away at his goals for the city, which include finding a solution for the traffic congestion at the “Point” (the intersection of Rts. 36 and 37); shifting the city’s focus from residential development to commercial and industrial development; and limiting the use of executive session during council meetings.